Windows 10 Home comes with built-in security features, including a firewall and Internet protection, so you are protected from viruses, malware, and ransomware. As Windows evolved, PCs also changed, now they are even more powerful and innovative. New Windows 10 PCs offer digital handwriting, face recognition, gaming applications, and more. You are delighted with your phone. And your computer too! Start where you left off. Web pages, Microsoft 365 documents, photos - read, write and edit them on all your devices. Windows 10 Home provides simple and flexible controls, so you can do more.
PROCESSOR: 1GHz processor or faster
MEMORY: 1GB RAM for 32-bit; 2 GB for 64-bit
HARD DISK SPACE: Up to 20 GB available hard disk space
VIDEO CARD: 800 x 600 screen resolution or higher. DirectX® 9 graphics processor with WDDM driver
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